Heavy Rains to Begin in Uganda

Uganda experiences 2 rainy seasons. Usually the September – November  season is the heaviest. At times roads and bridges are washed away and make transport difficult within this period. Uganda is a safari country where roads cut the country across . During this time tourists visiting  Uganda tours also get inconvenienced. Tour operators are advised also to alternate routes in order to allow smooth running of safaris around this period.

 The Government is advised to keep watching these bridges and fix them in time where possible to avoid inconveniencing tourists.

 However thi a very good opportunity to  farmers to plant seasonal crops like millet and cassava as soon as the rains start.This follows forecasts from the meteorology department which predicted a rainy September/ December season.

“Quick-maturing crops like beans, tomatoes and vegetables should be planted as the rains progress,’’ advised water and environment minister Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu.

He was addressing journalists at the Media Centre. The meteorological department also released weather forecasts that predicted September-December as rainy.

Kamuntu advised farmers on highlands to start planting trees and terracing their land to prevent soil erosion and landslides. He asked farmers on lowlands to dig drainage channels.

He said the season favoured growth of crop pests and diseases and, hence, the need for farmers to invest in pesticides.

“Farmers in north-eastern Uganda should plant fast maturing crops. They should also start harvesting root tuber crops like cassava and sweet potatoes to avoid damage by the heavy rains,’’ Kamuntu advised.

The south-western region is likely to have steady rains in October that will continue to mid- December.

The central-western region will have heavy rains in early October that are expected to continue till mid-December. On the other hand, the north-western region will experience heavy rains around mid-October and they continue to early December.

The current on and off rains being experienced in western and central regions will peak around mid-October and continue through to late November-early December.

“Mid-October and November are expected to be wettest months. People have to be cautious about floods, lightning and landslides,” warned Lukiya Tazalika, an assistant commissioner at the meteorological department

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